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Level 3 Ballet

This video is of the whole Level 3  Barre. Grab your barre - this could be an actual barre, the kitchen bench or a  chair and work through all of your exercises.  If you are using chair make sure it is secure so it doesn't tip over while you are working, you can do this by placing some heavier items such as books on the chair. 

  • Make sure you have warmed up first by swinging your legs and stretching.

  • Try and remember to check you posture, turnout and pelvis placement throughout the video. If you have a long mirror handy, practise your posture side on in the mirror before you start and get to know the feeling of correct ballet posture.

  • Stretch your KNEES

  • Think of your hand and arms!

  • Repeat the exercises on both sides if you have time, or make sure you do the exercise on the other leg the next you practise.

  • Enjoy yourself 

Centre Practise
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Ballerina Dolls
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